Featured Articles
Phylogeny of Opiliones (Arachnida): An assessment of the "Cyphopalpatores" Concept
New Species of Charon (Amblypygi, Charontidae) from Northern Australia and Christmas Island
A New Troglobitic Scorpion of the Genus Typhlochachactas (Superstitionidae) from Veracruz, Mexico
A Fossil Whipscorpion from the Lower Cretaceous of Brazil
Leg Autotony and Its Potential Fitness Costs for Two Species of Harvestmen (Arachnida, Opiliones)
Ground Surface Spider Fauna in Florida Sandhill Communities
Behavior. Life Cycle and Webs of Mecicobothrimon thorelIi, (Araneae, Mygalomorphae, Mecicobothriidae)
Dragline-Mediated Mate-Searching in Trite planiceps (Araneae, Salticidae)
The Effect of Conspecifics on the Timing of Orb Construction in a Colonial Spider
Courtship, Copulation, and Sperm Transfer in Leucauge mariana (Araneae. Tetragnathidae) with Implications for Higher Classification
A Case of Blind Spider's Bull?: Prey-Capture by Jumping Spiders (Araneae. Salticidae) in the Absence of Visual Cues
Research Notes
A Description of an Unusual Dome Web Occupied by Egg-Carrying Holocnemus plutchei (Araneae, Pholcidae)
Multi-Species Aggregations in Neotropical Harvestmen (Opiliones. Gonyleptidae)
Cooperative Prey Capture in the Communal Web Spider. Philoponella raffrayi (Araneae, Uloboridae)
Ingested Biomass of Prey as a More Accurate Estimator of Foraging Intake by Spider Predators
A Tribute to Joseph C. Chamberlin
A Sternophorid Pseudoscorpion (Chelonethi) in Dominican Amber with Remarks on the Family
Pseudoscorpion Groups with Bipolar Distributions: A New Genus from Tasmania Related to the Holarctic Syarinus (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones, Syarinidae)
Pseudoscorpions of the Genus Rhopalochernes (Chernetidae) from Panama and Venezuela
A New Species of Xenochelifer with Comments on the Genus (Pseudoscorpionida, Cheliferidae)
Phoretic Pseudoscorpions Associated with Flying Insects in Brazilian Amazonia