The Journal of Arachnology - 1996
Volume 24 Number 2 - pp. 80-172

Featured Articles

Studies on the Systematics and Distribution of the Scorpion Vaejovis bilineatus Pocock (Vaejovidae)

A New Species of Theridion From Northeastern Georgia (Araneae, Theridiidae)

Observations On Prey Capture and Anti-predator Behaviors of Ogre-Faced Spiders (Deinopis) in Southern Costa Rica (Araneae, Deinopidae)

An Experimental Analysis of Intraguild Predation Among Three Genera of Web-Building Spiders: Hypochilus, Coras and Achaearanea (Araneae: Hypochilidae, Amaurobiidae and Theridiidae)

Estimating Spider Species Richness in a Southern Appalachian Cove Hardwood Forest

Metabolic Rates of Resting Salticid and Thomisid Spiders

Spiders Associated With Early Successional Stages on a Virginia Barrier Island

Habitat and Courtship Behavior of the Wolf Spider Schizocosa retrorsa (Banks) (Araneae, Lycosidae)

Differential Mortality and Relative Maternal Investment in Different Life Stages in Stegodyphus lineatus (Araneae, Eresidae)

Research Notes

A Third Species of the Genus Mexichthonius (Pseudoscorpionida, Chthonidae), From a Cave in Texas

A Method for Assessing Gender in Immature Wolf Spiders (Araneae, Lycosidae)

Estimating Live Spider Weight Using Preserved Specimens

Una Probable Estrategia Para Inseminar Mas Hembras en Machos de Bothriurus bonariensis (Scorpiones, Bothriuridae)

Book Review

Riceland Spiders of South and Southeast Asia (by A. T. Barrion and J. A. Litsinger)