2023 American Arachnology Meetings Registration and Abstract Submission Now Open!
The annual meeting of the American Arachnology Society will be held on the Cornell University campus in Ithaca, New York from 25 – 29 June 2023. Ithaca is in the ‘gorges’ Finger Lakes region of Upstate New York in a scenic rural area with waterfalls and moderate summer temperatures in the low 80’s. Everyone is welcome!
Registration Form: bit.ly/aas2023atcornell
Abstract Submission: https://cornell.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0DFxqaLJfR09sCW
Contact: aas2023@~@americanarachnology.org
More information: https://www.americanarachnology.org/aas-meetings/aas-meeting-2023/
2023 AAS student travel grants
Applications for the AAS 2023 student travel awards are now open. Please apply by May 5, 2023. Visit AAS Student Travel Grants for details.
American Arachnology #90 - out now!
Please download and enjoy the most recent issue of the official newsletter of the American Arachnological Society here: American Arachnology #90
The deadline for the Fall issue of American Arachnology is October 15, 2023. Send notices, announcements, and short articles of interest to the society Secretary: Paula.Cushing@~@DMNS.org
Submissions must be no longer than 4 pages, single spaced, 11 pt font, including illustrations and any citations.