Become an AAS member


American Arachnological Society memberships are for a calendar year (January 1 to December 31).  Thus, joining any time during the calendar year will only count for that year, and the membership will expire on December 31 of that year.  After October 15, any membership payments made are assumed to be for the following calendar year unless the Membership Secretary, Alex Berry (, is contacted and told otherwise.

Membership dues paid after February 15 of any year may result in not receiving some or all hard copies of Journal of Arachnology (for non-green memberships), though online access is still available for any hard copy issues not received.

Communications from the American Arachnological Society may be received from


Instructions for Membership

1) Pay your membership fee via PayPal by scrolling down to the PayPal buttons, below.

2) If you do not already have a membership profile, please create one by filling out the registration form.

3) If you already have a membership profile, you do not need to do anything more than pay for your current membership.  Your profile is deactivated because your membership has lapsed.  The membership secretary will reactivate your member profile after your payment is confirmed, usually within 24 to 72 hours.

If you have any questions, please contact, and if you have any problems with the new website, please contact our webmaster, Daniel Gloor (



Regular Membership
A standard regular or student* membership includes:

  • An electronic and hardcopy subscription to the Journal of Arachnology (ISSN 0160-8202), a publication devoted to the study of Arachnida. The Journal is published three times each year.
  • Notices pertaining to the Society's annual meeting and reduced registration fees for the meetings

"Green" Membership
A green electronic-only regular or student* membership includes:

  • An electronic only subscription to the Journal of Arachnology (ISSN 0160-8202), a publication devoted to the study of Arachnida. The Journal is published three times each year.
  • Notices pertaining to the Society's annual meeting and reduced registration fees for the meetings

*Those seeking student memberships may be asked by the Membership Secretary to provide documentation that they are full-time students.

Lifetime Membership
Lifetime members of the AAS receive all benefits of membership (see above, and as amended in the future). Lifetime memberships may be obtained either by a single $1,560 (US) payment or payment of $780 (US) on two consecutive years.

If you pay online, there is an extra charge to defray the transaction costs.

2024 Dues

  • Green Electronic-only Regular Membership - $62.40
  • Regular Membership with hard-copy of Journal of Arachnology - $104
  • Green Electronic-only Student or Retired Membership - $31.20
  • Student or Retired Membership with hard-copy of Journal of Arachnology - $52
  • Lifetime Individual Membership - $1,560
  • Institutional Subscription to the Journal of Arachnology - $125 (not available using paypal)

*Please note that PayPal transaction fees cost the Society $0.30 + about 3% of the total transaction.

2024 AAS On-Line Membership Payment Form

All prices are given in U.S. dollars

2024 AAS Green Electronic-only Regular Membership
2024 AAS Regular Membership with hard-copy of Journal of Arachnology
2024 AAS Green Electronic-only Student or Retired Membership
2024 AAS Student or Retired Membership with hard-copy of Journal of Arachnology
AAS Lifetime Membership
(full payment)
(partial payment)

Make a Donation to one of the AAS Research Funds or an unrestricted gift to the AAS

(Please note that donations are made with a separate credit card transaction)

Developing Nations' Memberships

Sponsored memberships are available to faculty and students from developing nations. These memberships are free and entitle the member to all benefits of a regular membership. However, as a cost-saving measure, sponsored members will not receive a hard copy of the Journal of Arachnology but will have immediate access to the electronic journal.

If you wish to be considered for a sponsored membership, please contact the AAS Membership Secretary ( and provide:

  • your home country
  • your status (faculty, graduate student, etc.)
  • and a brief statement about how sponsorship would be helpful.

The term "Developing nations" refers to those nations classified as having low and lower-middle gross national income (GNI) by the World Bank.