Featured Articles
Philoponella republicana (Araneae, Uloboridae) as a Commensal in the Webs of Other Spiders
New Species and Records of the Ground Spider Family Gallieniellidae (Araneae, Gnaphosoidea) from Madagascar
Discriminacion por Metepeira seditiosa (Keyserling) (Araneae, Araneidae) en Condiciones Experimentales Sobre dos Presas Frecuentes en el Medio
The Web and Building Behavior of Synotaxus ecuadorensis (Araneae, Synotaxidae)
Los Nervios Opticos en Cuatro Especies de Latrodectus (Araneae, Theridiidae)
Direct Evidence for Tradeoffs Between Foraging and Growth in a Juvenile Spider
Research Notes
Nests of Hibana gracilis are Reused by Phidippus clarus in Wetlands of Northeastern Kansas
Flexibility in Foraging Tactics of Buthus occitanus Scorpions as a Response to Above-ground Activity of Termites
Book Review
Advances in Spider Taxonomy 1988-1991 with Synonymies and Transfers 1940-1980 (by N. I. Platnick)