2023 Annual Meeting

Epilogue on the 2023 Meetings:
By the numbers: ~140 attendees with 62 talks and 38 poster presentations. Three keynote speakers. Four outstanding symposia: Sensory Ecology, Behavior and Machine Learning, Evolutionary Trends in the Arachnid Tree of Life, and Chronobiology.
Student Presentation Awards winners:
Oral Winner: Alex Winsor for “Visual object categorization in the jumping spider brain.”
Oral runner-up: Becca Robertson for “Effects of symbiont communities that manipulate spider reproduction and phenotype in response to selection.”
Poster winner: Aislinn Shilcusky for “Does Atypus karschi use projectile defecation as a drift fence trap?”
Poster runner-up: Gia Ramos for “Identification and expression of protein regulators of the spider circadian clock.”
View the keynote lectures:
Subscribe to the AAS youtube channel americanarachnology.org and to watch the superb keynote speakers.
Dr. Daiqin Li on Bird-dropping masquerade in Phrynarachne crab spiders: a bird's eye view. https://youtu.be/tYtOWWj9rfc
Dr. Hannah Wood Palpimanoid spiders: bizarre morphologies, unusual behaviors, and extreme speeds. https://youtu.be/cvD2pn4BSdM
Dr. George Uetz Rainforest to research lab: studies of the social life (and sex life) of spiders.
More Meeting Shirts:
If you have realized that you need another huntsman spider in the Finger Lakes t-shirts for your holiday gifts, there are more available ($20 + shipping, contact Linda.Rayor@~@cornell.edu).
Thank you again to our generous meeting donors!
Dr. Chris Malloy - Torque Park Citizen Science Center, Klamath, OR
Dr. Cole Gilbert – Department of Entomology, Cornell University
Fear Not Tarantulas: Where beauty has eight legs - https://fearnottarantulas.com/
Australian Museum whose blockbuster Spiders - From Fear to Fascination Exhibit is touring museums through North America.
Spiders: Fear to Fascination opens at the Fernwood Museum in Atlanta (10 February – 5 May 2024). https://www.fernbankmuseum.org/experiences/exhibits/special-exhibits/spiders-from-fear-to-fascination-1/
David Folker – David Folker Graphics for huntsman spider logo design (email: davidfolker@yahoo.com)
Meeting hosts:
Dr. Linda S. Rayor, Cornell University and Dr. Matthias Foellmer, Adelphi University