AAS Meeting 2023

Join the next meeting of the American Arachnological Society

2023 Annual Meeting

Save the Dates for the 2024 AAS Meeting: The next AAS meeting will be held in Chetumal, Quintana Roo, Mexico. We are pleased to invite you to participate and to visit us in the Mexican Caribbean next year from 24-28 June 2024. You can contact us at AASChetumal2024@~@gmail.com. From El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Unidad Chetumal, Hosts, Yann Lucien Henaut, Salima Christine Machkour M´rabet, and César Raziel Lucio Palacio.


Epilogue on the 2023 Meetings:

By the numbers:  ~140 attendees with 62 talks and 38 poster presentations. Three keynote speakers.  Four outstanding symposia: Sensory Ecology, Behavior and Machine Learning, Evolutionary Trends in the Arachnid Tree of Life, and Chronobiology.


Student Presentation Awards winners:

Oral Winner: Alex Winsor for “Visual object categorization in the jumping spider brain.”

Oral runner-up: Becca Robertson for “Effects of symbiont communities that manipulate spider reproduction and phenotype in response to selection.”

Poster winner: Aislinn Shilcusky for “Does Atypus karschi use projectile defecation as a drift fence trap?”

Poster runner-up: Gia Ramos for “Identification and expression of protein regulators of the spider circadian clock.”


View the keynote lectures:

Subscribe to the AAS youtube channel americanarachnology.org and to watch the superb keynote speakers.

Dr. Daiqin Li on Bird-dropping masquerade in Phrynarachne crab spiders: a bird's eye view. https://youtu.be/tYtOWWj9rfc

Dr. Hannah Wood  Palpimanoid spiders: bizarre morphologies, unusual behaviors, and extreme speeds. https://youtu.be/cvD2pn4BSdM

Dr. George Uetz Rainforest to research lab: studies of the social life (and sex life) of spiders.


2023 AAS Meeting Group Photo

More Meeting Shirts:

If you have realized that you need another huntsman spider in the Finger Lakes t-shirts for your holiday gifts, there are more available ($20 + shipping, contact Linda.Rayor@~@cornell.edu).


Thank you again to our generous meeting donors!

Dr. Chris Malloy - Torque Park Citizen Science Center, Klamath, OR

Dr. Cole Gilbert – Department of Entomology, Cornell University

Fear Not Tarantulas: Where beauty has eight legs - https://fearnottarantulas.com/

Australian Museum whose blockbuster Spiders - From Fear to Fascination Exhibit is touring museums through North America.
Spiders: Fear to Fascination opens at the Fernwood Museum in Atlanta (10 February – 5 May 2024). https://www.fernbankmuseum.org/experiences/exhibits/special-exhibits/spiders-from-fear-to-fascination-1/

David Folker – David Folker Graphics for huntsman spider logo design (email: davidfolker@yahoo.com)


Meeting hosts:

Dr. Linda S. Rayor, Cornell University and Dr. Matthias Foellmer, Adelphi University